An Open Letter to Train Wreck


While we generously appreciate your offer of surrender, if the HMA is to keep our structures the bill will be paid with bullets and blood. To do otherwise would violate the Hek Code of Content at the heart of our organization. To be clear, we understand that you are a formidable opponent and fully expect […]

War Were Declared


The HMA Structure Network has come under assault. Before the week is out, battles will be waged to determine whether our free community structures stand or fall. And so, we are issuing a call to arms to all interested pilots. As some of you may already know, HMA defense is coordinated through Rogue Corps. If […]

Great Expectations


With so much misinformation being spread about the HMA, I would like to take a moment to go over what you can generally expect when you join one of our fleets. Our Fleets Are Wildly Inconsistent. Perhaps the most important thing to understand is that the HMA is a public community. Anyone who wants to […]

Voting is live for the CSM Elections.


It’s that time of year again where we vote for the upcoming Council of Stellar Management. For those who aren’t familiar, the CSM is – in essence – a focus group that CCP consults with regarding the direction of the game. While it is important to understand that they hold no actual authority they do […]

Now Under Old Management


I wish to announce that the both the Hek Mining Association corporation and Hek Mining Alliance alliance (see Accept No Substitutions) are now under HMA control. In the coming weeks, we will begin transitioning administrative and leadership duties to this new corporation. Although I still consider the HMA to be largely self-governing, our new corporate […]

Literally Anyone Else For CSM18


As some of you might know, our best frenemy RGC Godfather is running for CSM18 on a platform of… wait for it… killing ganking (among other things). For full details, check out his CSM Campaign Thread. If it’s not obvious enough from the title, allow me to spell it out for you. I think this […]

Rules of the Road


Communities are defined by rules, either implied or explicit. They indicate both what behavior is expected and what behavior is prohibited by its members. The HMA is no exception. Although our rules as an organization have changed significantly over the years, our rules for the expected behavior in our fleets remain largely the same. Our […]

Accept No Substitutions


They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If that is true, then we have reason to be deeply flattered. As many of you are likely aware, there are elements within Hek and the surrounding systems that would like nothing more than to see our humble organization wiped off the face of New […]

Armistice with Nebula Mining Operations


For reasons I do not feel at liberty to discuss, it has come to my attention that the rogue elements within Nebula Industries And Frozen Assets are likely acting without the consent or possibly even awareness of their alliance leadership. Due to this state of affairs, I am requesting a temporary end to sanctions of […]

The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves


Greetings and Salutations, As many of you know, Hek and the surrounding systems are currently in a state of disarray. Multiple groups have taken it upon themselves to challenge our position as the regulatory authority in area. While we certainly welcome this challenge in accordance with the Code of Content, there are many involved who […]