Oye M’Beltas,
Over the past three years, it has been my pleasure and privilege to serve as President of the Hek Mining Association. I am deeply proud of the work we have done and the relationships we have built. In good times and in bad, the HMA has remained a place where all people are free to grow and prosper through collaboration and community. However, the time has come for me to retire and pass on the mantle of leadership. In order to achieve our goals and ambitions, the HMA requires a President who is both dedicated and driven. I believe we have found that in our new President, 0BAKEE.
As RogueCorp’s former Director of Cultural Affairs, 0BAKEE has experience and understanding of the inner workings and motivations of HMA-affiliated corporations. So, we are excited to see how his vision for the future of the HMA manifests and what new opportunities he will open up for our community. In addition to his role as HMA President, he will be taking the reins of Rogue Corps, the HMA’s de facto military operations putting him in the position of both implementing and enforcing HMA directives.
As my final act as HMA President, I want to wish 0BAKEE the best of luck in his new role. We believe in you.
Fly Reckless,
Winston Enderas
Former President, Hek Mining Association